Presentation Upload Guidelines

Emails were sent to all presenters on October 17 which contain your unique link to upload your presentation. Contact if you did not receive the email.

What are the Submission Requirements?

All virtual poster presenters are REQUIRED to upload an electronic poster (no audio or video) as a PDF file no later than Friday, November 3, 2023.  If no presentation is uploaded, it will be marked as a No Show. Please refer to electronic poster guidelines below.

In-person oral and poster presenters have the OPTION to upload a presentation no later than Friday, November 3, 2023.  In-person presenters are NOT REQUIRED to upload a presentation. 

  • In-person oral presenters may upload their presentation slides (no video or audio recordings) as a PowerPoint or PDF file. 
  • In-person poster presenters may upload their electronic poster as a PDF file (no video or audio recordings) .

Electronic Poster File Guidelines:

  • Top of the poster should clearly display:  Abstract Title, Authors/Affiliation and Abstract Number
  • Vertical or landscape orientation
  • One (1) page 
  • PDF file
  • Minimum 300 dpi
  • Do not embed video, animation, audio, or hyperlinks or QR codes
  • Save file name as Abstract ID and Author Last Name (example: AOA-01_Smith.pdf)

Oral Presentation File Guidelines:

  • PowerPoint or PDF file
  • No audio or video recordings – presentation slides only

How Do I Upload My Presentation?

An “Invitation to Upload Your Presentation” will be sent via email to each presenting author.  If a presenter has multiple presentations, an email will be sent for each presentation. The email will contain an “Invitation Code” and submission link which is unique for each presentation. 

It is recommended that you click on the link in your invitation email to upload your presentation.  You may also access the submission form directly using the button below, but you will need to enter the unique invitation code listed in your email.

When will the Presentations be Available?

All uploaded presentations will be posted in the MMM 2023 Digital Conference Library and will be available to Conference attendees from November 10, 2023, through January 13, 2024. After that date, the presentations will be available for download for a fee, open to the general public. The link to access the MMM 2023 Digital Conference Library will be available on our website at on November 10, 2023.